Portal Navigation
To learn more about all of the portals features and navigation tricks, review our online user guide by clicking HERE
First time login?
Select the 'Sign Up' button to complete the portal registration process using the account information from your statement or welcome letter.
Password Resets
If you have forgotten your password, click the "I forgot my login/password" link on the Home page. You will receive an email with a temporary password if the email you provide has an active portal account tied to it.
Helpful Hints if the temporary password states it is not recognized:
I have an emergency, what should I do?
If you smell smoke, or bodily injury has occurred, please call 911. If you smell natural gas, please call your local utility. Our online portal 'Requests' are not monitored after hours. If you need immediate support regarding an emergency on common area property, please call your local office or we can be reached at 714-285-2626 after 4:30pm pacific time to be routed to our in-house after-hours team. If the call is not live-answered, you will receive a return phone call when an emergency is reported.
I just have a normal question after-hours, can I still get an answer?
For non-emergency questions you may text our AI powered assistant Text Trusty at 844-387-8785. Trusty can provide account balance information, open a work order, and answer questions about your community processes or rules. Trusty is available 24/7. If Trusty can't answer your question, Trusty will reach out to your Community Management Team for a response. You can also login to submit a request from the 'Requests' page in our portal. On this page, you can choose to submit a Service Request using the 'Work Order' selection, 'Billing Question' to get more information regarding your account history, or 'General Question' for other information needed from the management team.
Would you like to download an account statement or ledger history?
In the 'Payments' screen, use the 'Show Account History' feature to display information about the desired Account. Select the date range and download a statement using the 'Statement' button.
Need to reach the Community Management Team?
You can contact us by clicking on the 'Requests' page on the left side of your screen. On this page, you can choose to submit a Service Request using the 'Work Order' selection, 'Billing Question' to get more information regarding your account history, or 'General Question' for other information needed from the management team.
I am selling or re-financing and need documents for my closing company
Our team manages requests online using homewisedocs.com, please have your closing company submit a request for any required information on their portal.